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The Art of Joyful Spending
[1] Start Here!
VIDEO: Course Overview [Part 1] (8:16)
VIDEO: Course Overview [Part 2] (5:17)
VIDEO: The Art of Joyful Spending (8:33)
PDF: Course Workbook Download
ACTIVITY: Your Big Why!
ACCESS: Private FB Group
[2] Mindset for a Joyful Life
VIDEO: Cultivate a Joyful Mindset (8:21)
ACTIVITY: Joyful Spending QUIZ!
[3] The Joyful Spending Personalities
VIDEO: Spending Styles [Part 1] (10:07)
VIDEO: Spending Styles [Part 2] (11:59)
PDF: 6 Spending Styles Overview
[4] Identify Your Values
VIDEO: Identify Your Values (10:55)
ACTIVITY: Value Cards
[5] Align Your Values + Spending
VIDEO: Identify Time Spending [5.1] (11:37)
ACTIVITY: Where Does My Time Go? [Time Audit]
VIDEO: Prioritize Time Spending [5.2] (4:11)
ACTIVITY: Priority Check
VIDEO: Identify $ Spending [5.3] (3:57)
ACTIVITY: Where does my $ Go? [Money Audit]
VIDEO: Let Go + Let In Spending [5.4] (1:50)
ACTIVITY: Let Go + Let In Spending
[6] Your $ Mantra Reminder
VIDEO: $ Mantra (11:53)
ACTIVITY: Create Your $ Mantra
[7] Let's Talk About Money
VIDEO: Chill $ Chats (20:38)
PDF: Talk in Triangles Formula + Scripts
[8] Make Gratitude a Tiny Habit
VIDEO: Tiny Gratitude Habit (13:06)
ACTIVITY: Happy Habit Statement
[9] Your Intentional Life
VIDEO: Review + Celebrate (2:23)
PDF: Beyond the Course
VIDEO: Let Go + Let In Spending [5.4]
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